Micro-Pure Demo – 2nd Hour

Thursday 1pm – 2 hours

Well after two hours we now have 32 times more microbes than we started with.

At the rate they grow that means in another hour we’ll have – 256 times more than we started.

Yes the numbers will get a bit mind numbing after a while.

But it is that duplication rate that makes it so powerful.

You see on the right side (below) our mixture has not changed at all. It has just cooled to room temperature.

But the green side there is a lot of good friends of yours getting in to the tucker and growing.

It might start slow, but like a goods train it builds up and keeps building until it runs out of food.

In fact, these guys can eat 300 kgs of your muck every day in full swing.

And then they convert it in to water and natural gasses.

They turn your bad water in to good water. Great water, great world.

I’ll leave it now for a couple of hours.

But when I come back I will tell what really causes the smell in your great water.

And of course, why Micro-Pure fixes it.


Follow the demonstration:


Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 5

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