Demonstration of Micro-Pure Mobile – Starting Point

Thursday 11 am – Starting Point

This is a demonstration of what happens when you use Micro-Pure.

I will also tell you what’s happening along the way.

It’s nothing flash. Just my phone camera and set up on my kitchen bench.

But it should help you to see what goes on in your holding tanks and pipes.

It will be a 24 hour demonstration. But don’t worry …

Just follow our Facebook page and I will send updates there.

Firstly, the YUK in the glasses is not what it looks like. It’s not poo!

I really did not want to do that.

It is actually what was left in the frypan from last night’s dinner. Which was steak dianne.

So it is oil, fat, cream, grease and meat particles. Organic waste.

But what is waste to us is delicious food for our microbes.

The sizes are roughly the same but this is not a scientific experiment, just a demonstration.

On the right glass I added hot water and a branded “nappy” treatment. About 250 mis.

On the left side (which is green) I added a thimble full of Micro-Pure and 250 mls of water.

You can see that straight away the hot water started melting things (as you would expect).

On the left nothing much has happened immediately.

But here is where the power of microbes really starts.

Microbes entire existence is to eat and reproduce.

I have just put more living organisms in to that glass than there are people in Australia. In fact more than China!

They are starting to do two things. They generate their own enzymes to break the food down to their own microscopic bite-size pieces. And then they are eating.

That’s great, yes?

But there is more. In 20 minutes they have eaten so much they break in to two microbes. They reproduce themselves.

So in 20 minutes your microbes have doubled. And then again in another twenty minutes.

And they will continue to do that while ever there is a source of food.

I will check back in an hour and see how things look.



Follow the demonstration:


Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 5

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